San Pedro-Long Beach Cruise Ship Accidents Lawyer Miriam J. Lebental
I am committed to representing cruise ship passengers and crew members injured aboard a ship. While I am a certified California State Bar Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law, I represent clients throughout the world.
As an attorney, I have been representing people injured in cruise ship accidents and other situations since 1979. I have the experience and dedication to see you through your claim and obtain fair compensation on your behalf.
I also represent injured crew members and seamen in Jones Act and DOHSA claims.
If you were injured or have lost a loved one in a cruise ship accident, please call the Law Offices of Miriam J. Lebental today at 310-620-4071 to schedule a free consultation. Or, contact me by email and I will be in touch with you promptly.
Cruise Ship Premises Liability Claims
Accidents on cruise ships occur for many reasons. Just as in other premises liability claims, the cruise ship may not have been maintained as a reasonably safe environment, which can cause injury:
- Slip-and-fall accidents caused by slippery conditions
- Slip-and-trip accidents caused by items such as loose carpeting and floor tiles
- Airborne illnesses such as Legionnaire’s disease, which may be passed through dirty air ducts
- Negligent navigation or sudden listing of the ship
- Rape or assault by crew members or due to inadequate security
Cruise Ship Products Liability Claims
Injury claims can also arise from dangerous or defective products aboard cruise ships such as:
- Manufacturing or maintenance issues related to swimming pools, spas, exercise equipment and other accommodations on the ship
- Mechanical defects involving navigation equipment resulting in ships listing (tipping)
- Inadequate safety equipment resulting in injuries and fatalities related to fires and other emergency situations
- Foodborne illness
Injuries on cruise ships can also be caused by intentional acts, criminal conduct, medical malpractice or a number of other events. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about pursuing a claim. I invite you to contact me today for a free consultation.
The Location Of Your Cruise’s Departure Is Important To Your Claim
If you have been injured on a passenger cruise line, you may be required to file your claim for compensation in a certain court.
Which court you will need to file in will be listed on the back of your ticket under “claims.”
Sometimes, that court is required because of where the cruise company is incorporated. Often, the particular federal court depends upon the port from which your cruise left.
The Law Offices of Miriam J. Lebental represents people from around the world in federal courts in California, Florida or anywhere in the United States after they have been injured aboard cruise ships. Contact me today for more information or for a free consultation. My office has been in San Pedro since 1979.